The Ballerina (2021).

Directed by Aaron Fradkin

Written by Aaron Fradkin

Starring Valeska Miller and Valeska Miller

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The Ballerina is a short film about a…you guessed it, ballerina who arrives to practice in a studio by herself and soon realizes that her reflection in the mirror isn’t who it’s supposed to be.

The score by the most amazing band name ever, Robot Disco Puma, adds a layer of tension to the film as the ballerina tries to teach her reflection how to perfect intricate dance moves. Unfortunately, the reflection just isn’t keeping up, and soon realizes that she can affect the person staring back at her in horrifying ways.

It’s a really solid horror short that’s shot very well with some short spurts of body horror that were extremely effective. Unfortunately, this aspect was also ruined a bit for me, as it’s the thumbnail on the YouTube video - it would have been nice to go in not knowing what to expect. It would have been nice to see the reflection really lean on that twist, as the film just goes from zero to one hundred without giving us time to linger on the horror that was taking place…and then it just sort of ends. Give me more, arms, legs, etc. I really like the last shot that we stay on throughout the credits, leaving us pondering what would…or could…happen next. Valeska Miller does an awesome job as the only actor in the film and is clearly having fun as the reflection. There’s no dialogue in the short aside from a quick “Eep!" when she realizes things aren’t as they should be.

I’m looking forward to what Aaron Fradkin does next.

Here’s ‘The Ballerina’.

Jason Kleeberg

In addition to hosting the Force Five Podcast, Jason Kleeberg is a screenwriter, filmmaker, and Telly Award winner.

When he’s not watching movies, he’s spending time with his wife, son, and XBox (not always in that order).

Nobody (2021).


Massacre in Dinosaur Valley (1985).