Possessor Uncut (2020).


1. (The Stage)

Tasya Vas works for a secret organization that uses brain implant technology to inhabit other people’s bodies to carry out high profile assassinations. Unfortunately, the technology lacks stability, as does Tasya…leading to a mental wrestling match between host and parasite.


2. (The Good)

What a wonderful idea for a film. I’d really love to see this expanded - the possibilities are endless. The world building is very subtle but really cool, Brandon Cronenberg has really learned a lot from his father who is also a master at this. The performances were all really great, especially Christopher Abbott, who essentially plays two characters in one body as Colin. We can’t talk about a Cronenberg movie (either of them) without mentioning the special effects, particularly those dealing with body horror. Holy hell - this film’s got some visuals that will stick with you. They look fucking fantastic. In this film, the shocks are few and far between, but when they hit, they hit. This has my favorite “person wearing another person’s face” scene since Dwight Schrute mangled the CPR dummy at Dunder Mifflin. It’s got some really interesting sexuality to it as well, which was welcome.


3. (The Bad)

The only real complaint I have about this film is that there’s so much here that I’d like to see more of. A lot of the ideas seem unexplored. Who is this company? Why do they do what they do? Tell me more about the other assassins. There’s so much to delve into. The other thing that left me a bit sour (although I know this is intentional) is that there’s really no one to root for until halfway through the film. Oh, and there wasn’t enough Sean Bean.


4. (The Ugly)

The fire poker scene. The teeth. THE FUCKING TEETH.


5. (The End)

This is a very interesting film that will stay with you for a long time. It’s different, it’s original, and it will leave you wanting more. The visuals are haunting. The performances are really great all around. If you’re squeamish, you might want to steer clear, but if you’re looking at a movie with the name ‘Cronenberg’ on it, you should know what you’re in for by now. If you like dystopian science fiction flicks, this is an easy recommendation.

Jason Kleeberg

In addition to hosting the Force Five Podcast, Jason Kleeberg is a screenwriter, filmmaker, and Telly Award winner.

When he’s not watching movies, he’s spending time with his wife, son, and XBox (not always in that order).


Panther Squad (1984).


Dial Code Santa Claus (1989).