5 Overlooked Christmas Movies.

Christmas is the biggest holiday in the world, and as such, there are hundreds of films that use December 25th as a major plot point. Films like Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, and Die Hard are all considered classics in the genre, but there are plenty more that are severely overlooked and deserve a place at the table during your holiday viewing.

5. P2 (2007)

Since Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974), the Christmas season has been an awesome setting for horror. There are a ton of highly rated holiday horror films - Silent Night, Deadly Night, Gremlins, and Christmas Evil all come to mind.

P2 is a film that I think critics got wrong, one that deserves a look if you’re looking for some cold weather chills. Written by Alex Aja and directed by Franck Khalfoun, this one makes the most out of its tight budget. It’s about a deranged security guard (armed with a Rottweiler) who stalks a woman through a parking garage on Christmas Eve. It’s got some stupid plot holes but if you can overlook that and focus on Wes Bentley’s awesome turn as Thomas the security guard, it’s a fun ride.

4. The Night Before (2015)

In terms of comedic casts, it doesn’t get much better than this. Seth Rogan, Anthony Mackie, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon, Lizzy Caplan, Mindy Kaling, Jillian Bell, Nathan Fielder, James Franco, the list (and cameos) go on and on.

This film centers on three friends who have made it a tradition to go out and have a crazy night each Christmas Eve, but as they’ve gotten older, the tradition is about to end. Now they have one more night to get wild while searching for the ultimate Christmas party. It’s really funny, its got a surprising amount of heart, and it stacks up well in the pantheon of great Christmas comedies.

3. Klaus (2019)

The most recent film on my list is one that has already become a yearly viewing tradition. Klaus is an animated retelling of the “Santa Claus” mythos and it does so in a very inventive way.

The animation is crisp and looks amazing, the voice talent is great, and the film spans a genuine range of emotion - you’ll laugh, but more surprisingly, you’ll probably cry. There are a lot of animated Christmas movies released on streaming services every year, but Klaus stands head and shoulders above most of them.

2. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (2005)

Almost every movie that Shane Black has written takes place during the Christmas season. Lethal Weapon, The Long Kiss Goodnight, The Last Boy Scount, and Iron Man 3 could all have been on this list (okay, maybe not Iron Man 3), but Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is his masterpiece and should be required Christmas viewing.

It’s about a thief (played by Robert Downey Jr.) turned actor who teams up with a private eye to help a woman find out who murdered her sister. It’s filled with Black’s trademark whip-smart dialogue and packed with characters that are unforgettable. There’s nothing quite like seeing Christmas in L.A.

1. Anna and the Apocalypse (2017)

This film is like the love child of High School Musical and Shaun of the Dead. It’s a horror/comedy/musical and it’s just so much fun.

It starts with Anna heading to high school - it’s senior year and there are futures to think about. Characters break into song and dance, pondering unrequited love and other typical high school senior problems. Soon after, however, the rumblings on the radio about a (timely) pandemic turn the town into a zombie infested zoo (with a scene obviously inspired by a certain scene in Shaun of the Dead), leaving Anna and her friends to find a way out.

It’s hilarious, it’s got great music, complex characters, and some surprising twists and turns. I highly recommend Anna and the Apocalypse.

Those are five of my overlooked Christmas films. What would make your list? What did I forget? Let me know in the comments.

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Jason Kleeberg

In addition to hosting the Force Five Podcast, Jason Kleeberg is a screenwriter, filmmaker, and Telly Award winner.

When he’s not watching movies, he’s spending time with his wife, son, and XBox (not always in that order).


Fair Game (1986).


Action USA (1989).